Milk Makeup’s new Kush Mascara: Cannabis Oil For Your Lashes?

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Getting those hiiiigh volume lashes 😉

So I’ve been trying out a new mascara the past few weeks…with cannabis oil in it.  Yep, you heard that right.  When I was sent Milk Makeup’s all new Kush Mascara to try out before its release in stores, I was super curious.  Fast forward a few weeks, and I’m so happy I got to test out this product!  This mascara has tiny heart-shaped fibers that latch onto your lashes for extra length and volume.  Their unique shape allows the fibers to lay on your lashes in various directions, which adds width AND length.  Usually, mascaras have cylindrical fibers that can lead to spidery look lashes.  The CBD-rich oil in the formula is a super conditioner for your lashes, and adds thickness when the particles fuse to your lashes, while also filling in the hollow heart-shaped fibers for an even bigger hit of volume.  Yaaaas.  Plus, the cannabis oil hydrates your lashes (even after you remove the mascara)!  Finally, the cutely named puff puff brush has criss-cross bristles that catch each lash from root to tip, preventing clumping and adding definition.  Milk Makeup is a dope company that’s paraben-free as well as cruelty-free, so you’re dealing with the good stuff.  Personally, I love how this mascara goes on, super smooth and clump free.  The final result is lashes that just look naturally long and thick, whereas with some other mascaras you can really see the product caked on the lashes.  It’s now available for you to shop online or in-store at Sephora.

Thanks for sending me this DOPE complimentary makeup Influenster and Milk Makeup!




Author: lifeoftita

adventures and outfits

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